Pastor Greg Morris


First Baptist Church of Hogansville exists,

by the authority of the Bible, to worship the Lord

God Almighty (Matthew 4:10).


We are commanded by the Great Commission

(Matthew 28:18-20) toreach out, evangelize, and

 teach all Biblical truths of God to the world.


We believe in the power of prayer (Matthew 21:22) 

 and serving others through theuse of spiritual gifts to transform the world for the Kingdom of God

(1 Peter 4:10). 
Because of these foundational beliefs, we desire to REACH the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, TEACH the world about God, and SERVE Him by serving others.


Where to Find Us:

First Baptist Church
500 E Main St. 

P O Box 307
Hogansville, GA 30230

Phone: 706 637-8731






Worship Service - 9:00

Sunday School - 10:00

Worship Service - 11:00

Celebrate Recovery - 3:00


Tuesday Night:

Ladies Bible Study/Prayer Meeting- 6:00

Wednesday Night:

Dinner - 5:00 pm

Kids Zone & Youth - 6:00 pm

Bible Study - 6:30 pm

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