Bus Ministry

We are so very blessed to have our Bus Ministry. We are able to reach out to our community. We usually stay within a 5 - 10 mile radius, but sometimes exceptions can be made. We want to help anyone to be able to come to church and worship God.


If you would like for the Bus to come by and pick you up on Sunday Morning or Wednesday evening, we need for you to call or text one of the following individuals:


*  Josh Crawford                706-741-5165

*  Nickie Crawford             706-594-1921

*  Jonathan Brown            706-594-8278



"Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms."  Psalm 95:2



Where to Find Us:

First Baptist Church
500 E Main St. 

P O Box 307
Hogansville, GA 30230

Phone: 706 637-8731


Email:  info@fbchogansville.com




Worship Service - 9:00

Sunday School - 10:00

Worship Service - 11:00

Celebrate Recovery - 3:00


Tuesday Night:

Ladies Bible Study/Prayer Meeting- 6:00

Wednesday Night:

Dinner - 5:00 pm

Kids Zone & Youth - 6:00 pm

Bible Study - 6:30 pm

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© First Baptist Church